Did you know???
--In 2009, students at Cambridge University,a team lead by Alexandra Daisy genetically engineered E.coli
bacteria, adding DNA sequences in order to create colors visible to the naked eye (standard E. coli does not have a pigment). The students called this new strain E.chromi, and it has
limited uses today, primarily related to detecting pollution or other chemicals.
-- If the bacteria detects a chemical, it
changes color. That's all well and good, but how do we take this and go
nuts with it, creating a Terminator-like dystopian horrorscape? Lol, I'm so glad you asked.
--In the short film which I'll show you later on (which is largely fictional), an example is given in which an advanced form of this bacteria could be ingested by humans, and it could then identify illnesses within the Gastro-intestinal tract...which you'd learn about after pooping a rainbow of bacteria-laden diagnostic material. Oh! were you eating? I should have warned you. Lol
--I should emphasize: this is a speculative art project based on some limited real-world science. But who among us does not dream of a poop-rainbow-filled tomorrow? I, for one, welcome our new bacterial overlords. Lol
--I've seen crazy americans asking questions on where they can get this strain of E.coli, those guys are unbelievable, they are open to try almost anything fun they come across.
I trust naija guys, we are smarter than our own selves.
-- Anybody wanna ingest this stuff and poo rainbows??? I'll gladly watch and document, I'll show you to the world! *winks*
--You can view the video on youtube.
Here's the link= goo.gl/u1pfi6
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN
Hilarious!!! New Bacteria Could Make You Poop Rainbows
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